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Creating safe spaces for personal growth.
Confidential Help. No Judgment.  
Anisa Diab

Some of the issues I work with include anxiety, depression, relationships, parenting, self-esteem, anger management, ADHD, identity and spirituality among many others. I recognize that everyone's problems are unique and welcome your concerns. If you are unsure if my services are the right fit for you, please contact me and I'd be glad to answer your questions. 

One of the most common complaints I've heard from Muslim clients is that professional counseling didn't work for them. Their former Counselor only 'listened and agreed with everything they said.' They were not provided with specific feedback or guidance. In short, their experience was a waste of money. Some throw in the towel believing that therapy doesn't work.

My approach involves much more than just 'active listening.' I use a Cognitive Behavioral Model, but I also know that my Muslim clients need a solution-focused approach. They need answers. They need tools. They need specific strategies on how to manage their emotions, thoughts, and other toxic behaviors from a psychological and spiritual perspective.

While the Muslims I work with vary in their level of religiosity, I find that many of the psychological issues we discuss interface with faith and spirituality--so it helps to have a Faith-Based Counselor who 'gets it.'

Need help? Unsure about getting started on your personal development? Let's chat.

I'm just a video session away!

My Approach:


If you or someone you know is in a life threatening situation, please have them contact one of these hotlines. Do not use this website. 

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